Height of liquid in agitation tank is normally maintained equal to the tank diameter. However, if the tank is too tall and a large liquid hold up is desired, then two or more impellers mounted on the same shaft may be used. The clearance between the tank bottom and the bottom most impeller should be about (where, D = impeller diameter) ?
A. 0.5 D
B. D
C. 1.5 D
D. 2 D
Related Questions on Mechanical Operations Mcqs for Chemical
Which of the following is not used as filter aid ?
A. Asbestos
B. Diatomaceous earth
C. Purified wood cellulose
D. Rice husk
Which of the following mechanical conveyors does not come under the division „carriers‟ ?
A. Belt conveyor
B. Bucket elevator
C. Screw conveyor
D. Apron conveyor
A. < 5
B. 10 to 25
C. < 74
D. > 1000
Angle of nip of the crushing rolls does not depend upon the_______________?
A. Diameter of the rolls
B. Speed of the rolls
C. Product size
D. Feed size
A. Compartment mill
B. Rod mill
C. Pebble mill
D. Tube mill