If mercury in a barometer is replaced by water, the height of 3.75 cm of mercury will be following cm of water___________________?
A. 51 cm
B. 50 cm
C. 52 cm
D. 52.2 cm
E. 51.7 cm
Related Questions on Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics Mcqs
Hot wire anemometer is used to measure_______________?
A. discharge
B. velocity of gas
C. pressure intensity of gas
D. pressure intensity of liquid
Property of a fluid by which its own molecules are attracted is called ________________?
A. adhesion
B. cohesion
C. viscosity
D. compressibility
E. surface tension
The property of a fluid which enables it to resist tensile stress is known as________________?
A. compressibility
B. surface tension
C. cohesion
D. adhesion
E. viscosity
The specific weight of water is 1000 kg/m” _______________?
A. at norma] pressure of 760 mm
B. at 4°C temperature
C. at mean sea level
D. all the above
E. none of the above.