If the length of a chain is found to be short on testing, it can be adjusted by______________?
A. straightening the links
B. removing one or more small circular rings
C. closing the joints of the rings if opened out
D. all of the above
Solution by Mcqs Clouds
Answer: Option A
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The correction for sag is_________________?
A. always additive
B. always subtractive
C. always zero
D. sometimes additive and sometimes subtractive
Which of the following methods of offsets involves less measurement on the ground?
A. method of perpendicular offsets
B. method of oblique offsets
C. method of ties
D. all involve equal measurement on the ground
The allowable length of an offset depends upon the______________?
A. degree of accuracy required
B. method of setting out the perpendiculars and nature of ground
C. scale of plotting
D. all of the above
For a well-conditioned triangle, no angle should be less than______________?
A. 20°
B. 30°
C. 45°
D. 60°
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