In addition to Geoffrey Chaucer and William Langland, the flowering of Middle English literature is evident in the works of which of the following writers ?
A. Geoffrey of Monmouth
B. the Gawain poet
C. the Beowulf poet
D. Chr´tien de Troyes
Related Questions on Ages, era, period - English Literature Mcqs
Marlowe’s play ’Tamburlaine the Great’ was based loosely on the life of which Asian ruler ?
A. Zhu Yuanzhang
B. Genghis Khan
C. Timur
D. Kublai Khan
In Marlowe’s play, what was the name of the Jew of Malta ?
A. Lazarus
B. Solomon
C. Barabas
D. Shylock
A. William Shakespeare
B. Thomas Kyd
C. John Dryden
D. John Donne
Which of these Kings was the subject of a play by Marlowe ?
A. Henry V
B. Richard III
C. Edward II
D. John
One of Marlowe’s most famous poems was an account of which lovers ?
A. Anthony and Cleopatra
B. Hero and Leander
C. Troilus and Cressida
D. Apollo and Hyacinth