A money changer exchanged Indian Rupee and US$ at rate of 38..95 Indian Rupee = US$1. The amount received for US$180 in Indian Rupee is

A money changer exchanged Peso & Euro at rate of 3.9 peso = 1 Euro. The amount received in Peso for 3500 Euro is

If Ana sells her house at loss of 10% on cost and paid $125000 for it then its selling price is

To buy a home, Nelda borrowed $250,000 for 5 years and paid $60,000 simple interest on loan. The rate of interest he paid is

In college library, 30% of books are classified as fiction and remainder as non-fiction. There are 2400 more books non-fiction category than fiction category. The total number of non-fiction books in library are

Ana borrowed $250000 for 7 years at interest rate of 12% per year. The amount she will pay at the end of seven years is

The amount of money lent or borrowed by investors is classified as

If antique piece is sold for $1200 at gain of 30% on sale price then the profit is

If a refrigerator is advertised for $215 inclusive of 7% GST then the original price is

Henry buys a designer furniture set at price of $1200. He pays 25% deposit and interest in 36 months plus outstanding balance. The interest charged on balance is 12%. The total hire purchase price is

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