What is the ratio of Faheem’s salary to Imran’s salary to Naveed’s salary if Faheem makes 80,000 rupees ,Imran 70,000 rupees and Naveed makes 50,000 rupees ?

Two numbers are in the ratio 5:4 and their difference is 10.What is the largest number?

In what ratio should the profit be divided if M, N, O invests capital in ratio 2:3:5 and their timing of their investments are in the ratio 4:5:6.

A bag contains 50 paise, 1 rupee and 2 rupee coins in the ratio 2:5:8. If the total amount is Rs. 352, find the total number of coins in the bag.

Three quantities X, Y and Z are such that XY=kZ where k is constant. Initially, X was at 4 and X:Y:Z was 2:3:4. If the value of Y is changed to 12 and Z is kept constant, find the value of X.

Find the mean proportion between 5 and 45.

If X:Y = 2:3, Y:Z = 4:5. Find X:Y:Z.

The ratio of two numbers a and b is 3:5. If 2 is added to both the numbers, the ratio becomes 2:3. Find b.

The plan for a rectangular area is drawn to a scale of 1:500. If the length and breadth in the plan is 30 cm and 20 cm, find the actual area.

The length and breadth of a rectangle are in the ratio 5:4. Find its perimeter if its area is 180 cm²

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