Mcqs Clouds

OECD stands for ?

A. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and Development

B. Oil Exporting Countries Development

C. Organization for Environmental cooperative Department

D. Open Economies Caucus on Development

Related Questions on Theories of Economic Development Mcqs

The essential difference between capitalism and socialism is that ?

A. capitalism exploits the worker and socialism exploits the property owner

B. capitalism relies on the market to make economic decisions and socialism uses central planning

C. capitalism grows through rent seeking and socialism grows through government direction

D. capitalism relies on consumer satisfaction to dictate choices and socialism relies on producer satisfaction

The Vicious circle theory indicates that ?

A. a country is poor because it has lower productivity but high savings

B. as countries grow richer they save less

C. poverty perpetuates itself in mutually reinforcing circles on supply and demand sides

D. market size is large in LDCs