The rate of an item of work depends on_________________?
A. Specifications of works
B. Specifications of materials
C. Proportion of mortar
D. All the above
The main factor to be considered while preparing a detailed estimate, is________________?
A. Quantity of the materials
B. Availability of materials
C. Transportation of materials
D. All the above
The plinth area of a building not includes_________________?
A. Area of the walls at the floor level
B. Internal shaft for sanitary installations up to 2 sq m. in area
C. Lift and wall including landing
D. Area of cantilevered porch
A. At the end of reinforcing bar, not less than 25 mm or twice the diameter of the bar
B. In thin slabs, 12 mm minimum or diameter of the bar whichever is more
C. For reinforcing longitudinal bar in a beam 25 mm minimum or diameter of the largest bar which is more
D. All the above
A. Metre for length
B. Cubic metre for area
C. Square metres for volume
D. Litre for capacity
The brick work is not measured in cu m in case of_______________?
A. One or more than one brick wall
B. Brick work in arches
C. Reinforced brick work
D. Half brick wall